Can massage help in the treatment of high blood pressure?

Massage plays an important role in the treatment of high blood pressure, which is common in both men and women, and is caused by many factors including stress, complications from other diseases and dietary pattern.

There is no denying the importance of massage when it comes to helping reduce symptoms and in healing many diseases. When it comes to having high blood pressure though, is it something that can help? Well, it has recently been shown that people who had a 10-minute foot massage three times a week had significantly lower blood pressure. So, it is fair to say, it really can have an impact and help you take control of dangerously high blood pressure.

In essence, massage keeps us healthy and helps to pump the blood around the body. It releases toxins trapped within our blood stream and improves the strength of our arteries and veins. This is why it is a key contributor to boosting heart health as well as helping to heal it when it has been damaged in anyway.

Another research project looked at the case of 260 people who underwent massage sessions for about 45 to 60 minutes. They received these massage sessions three times a week and undertook around ten sessions each. 

Even with such a small intervention, after each of the sessions, blood pressure decreased and remained low for several days. This is almost as low as you might get as a result of blood pressure medication that you keep on throughout your life.

Need more proof? Eight women with hypertension were tested for an hour-long massage each week for four weeks. By the end of that period, each of their blood pressure had dropped significantly.

In contrast, another group of women relaxed for the same period of time and the rate of improvement was lower than that of the massage group.

As you can see, the decrease in blood pressure rates is exceptional, given that all who underwent massage therapy reduced their rate. It clearly indicates that massage therapy has a broad effect in healing the body. The reason is that after a massage there are lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood, saliva and urine. The relaxing effect that this has and the way that it also strengthens the blood vessels, leads to an overall reduction in blood pressure.

You might ask yourself if I can do without my blood pressure medicine and manage the condition only with massage? Well, it is clear that it is too early to consider massage therapy on an equal footing with medication as these research projects are still being conducted to verify whether massage can be used completely by itself to achieve a healthy blood pressure. What these studies do confirm is that massage is certainly beneficial and can take away your reliance on medication by keeping your blood vessels healthy.

Of course, there is a cost implication to having regular massages. One thing is certain, you need to maintain a regular routine of massage to ensure that you achieve a consistently healthy blood pressure rate. It is in the 3 days after the massage that you see the greatest difference to your blood pressure level. Visiting a massage therapist so regularly can be an expense that many can’t justify and simply stick to taking their medication and don’t give themselves the opportunity to heal their entire blood system in the long run.

That is why having a massage chair in your home is a smart choice for ensuring long term management of your condition. Not only will OHCO massage chairs give you the convenience of receiving a massage in your own home, they will also deliver you the most advanced chair massage you can get. The entire chair is designed in line with the directions of a Shiatsu massage master who understands how to realign your body and ease tension in your muscles to achieve incredible and lasting results. 

OHCO massage chairs can be used anytime you want, allowing you to set up a routine of relaxing in the chair and having your whole body massaged. This routine will soon show results, with ongoing lowered blood pressure, which will in turn give you the new lease of life you are looking for. You will be energised, relaxed and have your condition under complete control.


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